The Angels - Illustrated agenda: Perpetual calendar of 384 holy Angels Paperback
Connect with the healing power of Angels and discover how to achieve your desires and aspirations with Jamie Know's Angelic Agenda-Calendar! This book dedicated to the holy Angels will guide you day by day in your spiritual and personal life, providing you with detailed descriptions of the charisms and favors that Angels dispense to humanity. Learn to pray to the Most Holy every day with the support and intercession of holy Angels, and let them reveal transcendent truths and explain your dreams. With 14 never-before-seen artist illustrations, this book is written with loving care and is perfect for both owning and giving as a gift. Discover how to connect with your Guardian Angels, interpret their secret messages, and use their healing power to overcome any obstacles on your path. Face life's challenges with the help of Angels and live up to your full potential of connecting with the divine. Buy the Angelic Agenda-Calendar now and start your spiritual growth j...